Web development is the act of building, creating and maintaining websites. The field encompasses a broad range of tasks including everything from coding, to technical design, to the performance of a website or application running on the internet. Web development consists of front-end and back-end components.
HTML is used to create the structure of web pages and website that are displayed on the Internet. HTML basically contains Tags and Attributes that are used to design the web pages. Also, we can link multiple pages using Hyperlinks.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets language and is used to stylize elements written in a markup language such as HTML. It separates the content from the visual representation of the site. The relation between HTML and CSS is strongly tied together since HTML is the very foundation of a site and CSS is all of the aesthetics of an entire website.
JavaScript is a lightweight programming language that web developers commonly use to create more dynamic interactions when developing web pages, applications, servers, and or even games. Developers generally use JavaScript alongside HTML and CSS The scripting language works well with CSS in formatting HTML elements.
PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language that many devs use for web development. It is also a general-purpose language that you can use to make lots of projects, including Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
MySQL is a relational database management system which is an open source system. The work of a relational database is to organize data in single or many data tables. It is a language which is used to manage, operate access databases and do more functions.
WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS), which is an open source and was created to manage blogs. WordPress allows you to easily create and manage your blogs and websites content without coding and it can be used to create a fully operational website. The most important feature of WordPress is that you can create a dynamic website without any programming and design knowledge.